Musgrave at a glance
Musgrave is one of the more upmarket parts of the Berea in Durban. With numerous retirement complexes to choose from including TAFTA's Ocean View, Lucas Gardens, Cambridge Gardens / Robert Storm House as well as The Caister and Garden Grove, to name a few. The commercial heart of the area is Musgrave Centre - one of Durban's most prestigous shopping malls and extremely popular with retirees. The Saturday morning flea market in Essenwood Road, parallel to Musgrave Road, is a very popular attraction . Many exotic restaurants, ranging from Far Eastern to French, fringe the avenues lined with colourful trees. Much of Musgrave overlooks Durban Beachfront, harbour and CBD as well as Greyville Racecourse surrounding Royal Durban Golf Course. There are also views of the magnificent Botanical Gardens, Kingsmead Cricket Ground and King's Park sports' stadiums. In such close proximity to Durban's recreational attractions and commercial centre. Musgrave is an ideal place to retire to in Durban.
From R555,000 to R555,000